Our organization

Taramana France

The French organization Taramana hires no employees but is run by a board of 7 members. It controls the activities of the association, as well as the treasury. The main orientations of Taramana are decided during general assemblies with the members of the organization.

A team of volunteers in France is continuously working on developing the visibility and growth of Taramana.

The funds raised through sponsorship, donations and various events organized in France (lottery, rice bowl operation, solidarity aperitifs, special evenings) are used for the activities of the Taramana Centre in Phnom Penh.

☝️I wish to become a member of Taramana and participate in the vote on resolutions
Download the membership form

I wish to organize events and participate in the fundraising
Contact communication@taramana.org

The NGO and the Center in Cambodia

Taramana is also a sovereign Cambodian NGO recognized by the Cambodian Ministry of Interior and the French Embassy.

Taramana Cambodia employs ten Cambodian employees and French volunteers join and assist the team. They all work and share the children’s daily life at the Center Taramana Magdalena.

You can learn more about our team with our organigramme! (as of 15 February 2019) 

You want to join this beautiful team?
Check out our job advertisements it’s over here