Taramana’s main objective is to promote childrens’ education and to help them on their professional path.
Every day, a hundred children from the Boeng Salang slum area come to the centre and attend class. The oldest ones are also supported in their job search or to pursue their studies after high school graduation.
Everyday the students come to the Taramana Magdalena Centre, alternative between mornings and afternoons with the schedules of public school. Scholling is mandature for every child admitted to the Centre. Up until grade 6, Taramana pays for the tuition fees of children enrolled in public school.
Primary school students, from grade 2 to 6, are enrolled in half-day public school and come to Taramana the other part of the day.
Complementary courses at Taramana focuses on Khmer, English, French for the older students, as well as computer classes. Knowing these foreign languages et new technologies is an opportunity for the students to pursue certain university degrees or careers for which such knowledge is compulsory: medical, law or pharmacy studies.
Furthermore, many booming industries such as tourism or management require a full command of these languages.
Apart from the French lessons taught by volunteers, classes are delivered by a team of Cambodian teachers. Students are divided in groups according to their level. The children’s progress is assessed frequently so that we can readjust the groups and enable each student to evolve at his or her own pace and according to his or her needs.
Taramana also supports students willing to pursue graduate studies and helps them in their job searches
Our partners for the education program
Since 2019, Taramana has set up partnerships with the French Institute of Cambodia (IFC) and the Bophana Centre.
Once a month the children can enjoy educational times outside the classrooms.
We organize outings with small groups during which children take part in recreational activities focusing on language, reading or on the culture and history of Cambodia.
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In addition to the educational program, the children can take part in many sport and cultural activities throughout the year. In particular, the students with a very promising French level form a French-speaking theater troop.
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