Since January 2019, Taramana has two new partners: The Institut Français du Cambodge (French Institute of Cambodia) and the Bophana Center.
These two new partnerships aim at opening the children’s minds and offering them educational opportunities that are different from the ones they are used to at the public school or at Taramana.
Once a month, a small group of children enjoy a visit to the IFC and the Bophana Center. That way, each child can enjoy a trip to these places twice a year.
The IFC welcomes the children in the youth section of the library where many books in French and Khmer can be found.
The youngest children spend half a day there with a Khmer supervisor. They listen to stories and Khmer nursery rhymes. Fun activities around language are also offered. The children can then enjoy some free time and read the books they want.
The Bophana Center. 
This center, which gathers many resources on the history and culture of Cambodia, is a wonderful place to further explore the topics discussed in class.
At each visit, the group of children watches a film in the center’s cinema room. Then, in pairs, they complete their research on computers by watching documentaries.
We are very pleased to offer these outings to the children. Not only do these trips arouse their curiosity, they also enable them to gain new knowledge. Seeing their enthusiasm before each trip is a real pleasure for the team and the teachers who see their pupils thrive and grow.
We warmly thank the teams at the IFC and the Centre Bophana for their kind welcome.